- 阿莫拉斯
- Adriana Amora is such an asshole sometimes. What has Ingrid Eksin got that I don't anyway?
我已是一名爵士乐专家,不需要再学习这种技能了。 - Visitors to Amora - The Academy of Sex and Relationships at the Trocadero in Piccadilly, will pass through seven zones including Pleasure and Orgasm.
看看上一次更新的日期,一晃小半年过去了。自己现在真是懒到家了,一个人的生活就是颓废。 - The "Amora sex academy" that opened in Berlin on Thursday welcomes visitors with the wry slogan, "Finally -- an exhibition for those who always have to touch everything.
据主办方负责人表示,有很多伴侣一同前来学习,到目前为止参观者男女比例相当,但男性观众似乎比女性观众更显拘束和尴尬。 - light yellow color,very fregrant amora with fregrance ,fresh and well balanced.
淡黄的色泽;开启时新鲜水果香扑鼻而来;随之是花朵的芬芳;口感清爽和谐. - D'Amora