- 萨热
- Marty Beard said the mule would likely attack anyone who hassled Saje along the route.
她说:“这对于我们很平常,但对于别人来说就是很稀奇了。” - Keep good relationship with customers/clients, search otherw coop-ration opportunities atthe saje time.
和客户保持良好的关系;同时寻找新的合作机会. - Kris Beard, Saje's mother, said even some of their rural neighbors find her daughter's mule commute unusual.
布尔德的同学欧文说:“它很酷!布尔德也很酷!” - "Saje, 9, is an old hand at maneuvering mules.Shes been doing it since she was in first grade.
她从一年级开始每天骑骡子上学,如今已经是驾驭骡子的老手儿了。 - Saje has corn and sweet peas stuffed in saddlebags for Ruths lunch, and for treats during the schools three recesses.