相关单词近义词 sallow 灰黄色的, creamy 含乳脂的, beige 米黄色的, buttery 黄油状的, milky 乳状的, sickly 病弱的, wan 苍白的, xanthous 黄色的, pale 苍白的, washed-out 被洪水冲蚀的..., ashen 灰色的, pallid 苍白的, lily-livered 胆怯的, chicken 鸡, yellowish 微黄色的, Mongoloid 像蒙古人的Oriental, 东方的, Mongolian 属于蒙古人种的人..., Thai 泰国人, Siamese 暹罗的, Chinese 中国人, Cambodian 柬埔寨(人)的..., Laotian 老挝的, Asiatic 亚洲(人)的, Vietnamese 越南的, jaundiced 患黄疸病的, gilt 镀金, pusillanimous 懦弱的, timid 胆怯的, lutescent 稍带黄色的, xanthic 黄色的(黄嘌呤的)..., golden 金的, sandy 含沙的, cowardly 懦弱的, frightened 受惊的, timorous 胆怯的, afraid 抱歉的, fearful 担心的, ecru 淡褐色, spineless 无脊椎的, stramineous 稻草状的, 蒿状的..., blond 金发的, gold 金色的, honey 蜂蜜, aureate 金色的, craven 懦弱的, fainthearted 懦弱的, butter 黄油, buff 浅黄色, wimpy 懦弱的, canary 金丝雀, weak-kneed 软弱的, cringing 谄媚的, straw 稻草, sunny 阳光充足的, mousy 像老鼠的, lemon 柠檬, flaxen 亚麻的, panicky 恐慌的, unmanly 无男子气概的..., sneaking 秘密的, fulvous 黄褐色的, saffron (烹调用)藏红花粉...zinc yellow, 锌黄粉, cadmium yellow 镉黄, canary yellow 淡黄色, amber 琥珀, sensational 轰动的, blood-and-thunder 紧张激烈的, melodramatic 通俗剧风格的..., exaggerated 言过其辞的, cheap 便宜的, lurid 可怕的one's, 任何人的, shadow 影子, of 关于, sensationalistic sensationali..., scandalmongering scandalmonge..., yellowed 动词yellow的过去式..., yellowness 黄色afraid of one's shadow, 非常胆怯的, white-livered 苍白憔悴的, chickenhearted 胆小的, yellow-bellied (鸟)腹部黄色的..., yellow 黄色的, icteric 黄疸的, cadmium 镉, quince [植]榅桲(一种蔷薇科植...Zinc, 锌临近词yellowish, yell, yellowy, yellows, yellowly, yellowses, yellow OB, yellowfin, yellowing, yellowsis, yellowtop, Yellowley 返回 yellowest