相关单词同義詞unexpected, sudden, surprising, 近義詞 accidental 意外的, unintentional 非故意的, unintended 非計劃中的, unexpected 想不到的, inadvertent 不注意的, unforeseen 無法預料的, spontaneous 自發的,自然的,本能的..., impromptu 即蓆的, ad hoc 特定的, unprepared 無準備的, spur-of-the-moment 即興的, 一時興起的..., impulsive 沖動的, unscheduled 事先未安排的..., out of the blue 出乎意料地, unwitting 不知情的反義詞planned, 根據計劃的臨近詞UN, Unebe相似詞unperturbed, unpick, unpitched, unplaced, unplayable, unpleasant, unplug, unplugged, 返回 unplanned